Style Advice

Fashion Myth: The Dress Makes the Woman or the Suit Makes the Man

It’s the Festive Season! And we are in the time of family gatherings, corporate parties, charity galas and social gatherings.

And it seems the pressure is high to look your best. Dress to Impress as they say.

Watch my short video for thoughts on how to wear your holiday dress or suit with confidence!

We hear the phrase so often that it is the dress that makes the woman or the suit that makes the man that we don’t even stop to think about whether or not that is true!

And the pressure is on to look your absolute best at the party. You could have family breathing down your neck, you want to impress your boss, your spouse, your co workers, your neighbours, and so we spend so much time fretting about getting the perfect holiday dress for women or suit for men.

The Christmas Party, New Years Eve, the corporate party, the social gathering, the charity gala. So many events and so much anxiety about making the right impression.

So much time spent finding the right holiday dress (for women) or suit (for men). So much money spent believing that it is really the dress or the suit that makes us. And without that dress or suit, we are really nothing.

So very very wrong. We are all beautiful or handsome. The trick is we haven’t realized that it is our body that gives the dress or suit shape and substance. And without the body the dress or suit is just a pile of fabric.

So know you are what gives the dress or suit its power. Not the other way around. Happy Festivities to you all!


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1 Comment

  1. Met you in Ballisama today. And checked out your website.
    What you say is very true, and more woman and men need to learn
    this. Fashion marketing leaves a lot of woman and men being body shamed.
    You are correct we are all beautiful.

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