Essential Body Analysis

Foundational Body and Style Analysis

$200 CAD

We go over your personal style preferences as well as your basic body shape.  Each body shape has positives and negatives and certain clothing will look differently on different bodies.

The types of clothing that you will use will depend on your lifestyle needs. If you work in a corporate environment your wardrobe needs will be very different than if you work in daycare or construction.

In Person Process: You fill out an intake form and we take the overall silhouette of your body as well as discuss your wardrobe goals, style personality and lifestyle needs.

Online Process: You fill out an intake form and you send pictures of your body according to the instructions I send so I can analyze your body type and make recommendations. We then have a zoom meeting to go over the recommendations as well as discuss your wardrobe goals, style personality and lifestyle needs.

You will learn:

  • Your overall body shape
  • What clothes and cuts work in general for your shape
  • Your clothing needs for your life

You Receive: A email guide about your body shape and clothing recommendations as well as summary of the wardrobe goals you have for the future.