Fashion Myth: There is only one type of beauty.  Fashion Truth: YOU are beautiful.

You probably don’t fit your culture’s definition of beauty.  But don’t fret! You can expand your understanding and know YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL.

Watch then Read!

We are programmed from a very young age (at least if you pay any attention to fashion magazines or fashion shows or TV shows or even advertising in general) that there is only one type of beauty. In North America (varies in other regions), that is the young fashion runway model.

On some level I think we know that this is not really true, but it is very easy to start comparing ourselves to this false ideal (whatever that is in your region). Then starts the negative self talk. Then starts the self judgement.  Then starts the shame that we are never going to look this way.

We don’t have to live this way.

The truth is that there are as many types of beauty as there are people in the world. I can already hear your brain telling you what a liar I am, and that you don’t fit or that the word beautiful doesn’t apply to you.
But Beautiful Does. It is only our culture or your culture that has programmed your brain to see beauty as a very narrow range (usually not including you).

While you may not believe yet, have hope and know that the word beautiful does fit you. You are a unique person and expression of the Divine Creation. If you cannot think of yourself as beautiful yet, then start with acceptable, then pretty, and then work your way up to beautiful.

This takes some time.  But is worth every effort to change your mind: Because You Can.

If we try to look like or be someone other than who we are, we will fail every time. You cannot be taller than you are. You cannot change the structure of your bones (without dangerous plastic surgery, which may not increase your feeling beautiful anyway).

You CAN learn to accept and celebrate the beauty you already are.

Before the world told you what beauty “is” and that you will never “fit”, you didn’t care! You can return to the confidence you had as a small child when you knew you were beautiful (admittedly not everyone had that experience, but you can learn the confidence moving forward).

For more details on how to do this, visit this post on owning your power and beauty.

I promise you can change your mind. I know because I did, and I’ve watched my clients do the same.


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